06. Exercise: Module Types
Exercise: Module Types
Resolving Modular Project Errors
Task Description:
The starter project for this exercise contains three modules:
One way to build the project is to place all these modules on the modulepath using the following command:
javac -d out --module-source-path . --module com.udacity.flight,com.udacity.hotel,com.udacity.packagesearch
Running this command will result in errors, because none of the module-info.java files export
or require
the missing packages. Your goal for this exercise is to fix that! Feel free to open this directory in an IDE if you prefer, or simply add the missing statements to the module-info.java
files based on the error messages you see.
Once you've finished fixing the problems, run the project using the command:
java --module-path out --module com.udacity.packagesearch/com.udacity.packagesearch.search.Main
Task Feedback:
Great job!